Yes. If you are hurt in a subway accident in New York, you have the right to file a lawsuit for your injuries, lost earnings, medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages.

One can hold the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), which includes the New York City Transit Authority (NYCTA), and other parties accountable. A train accident attorney will examine your situation and work with you to determine who might be named in a personal injury claim or lawsuit.

Causes of accidents in the New York City subway

Combinations of factors can lead to a subway accident in New York City. Despite the fact that some subway accidents are unavoidable, other accidents happen as a result of the following types of negligence:

  • Parts with flaws or defects
  • fatigued operators
  • inappropriate upkeep
  • Too-rapid driving
  • Infrastructure with problems
  • Using a phone while driving
  • DUI-related driving
  • Something or something living on the subway tracks
  • Fire
  • Safety features are lacking
  • Broken escalators, stairs, and platforms
  • system failure on a computer
  • security issues

Responsible parties in a New York subway accident

The MTA or NYCTA can be held responsible for your damages if you were hurt in a subway accident in New York. But be aware that you’ll probably have to deal with lots of intricate legal requirements, as well as pressing deadlines that pertain to cases involving governmental bodies.

You could file a personal injury claim or lawsuit against the person who put you at risk of being injured in a subway accident to seek compensation.

When external factors cause subway accidents

A third party may occasionally be named as a defendant in a personal injury case. You may be able to file a lawsuit, for instance:

  • If a portion of the train’s or the rails’ design is flawed, contact a train engineering business.
  • A parts manufacturer if it sold faulty goods to the MTA or NYCTA

These negligent parties may be named in a claim or legal action by the injured party.

Request for a Notice of Claim

Your lawsuit can be dismissed once it is brought before a judge if you fail to submit a notice of claim within this time frame. Do not let your ability to pursue compensation be hindered by a failure to adhere to such legal requirements. You won’t have to worry about this when you hire our services since we’ll see to it that a Notice of Claim is submitted on time and under the law.